King street epdm roof

King Street 60 Mil EPDM

Install of 60-Mil EPDM

This project is off of King Street in downtown Hendersonville. We installed a new 60-mil EPDM after removing the older roofing system. We also added tapered crickets between scuppers and behind curbs & HVAC units to prevent ponding of water.

New Edge Metal Around Parapet Walls

We removed and recycled old edge metal and installed new gravel stop styled metal around the parapet walls. The membrane is secured at the base of the wall with membrane plates that are screwed every 12 inches to prevent it from pulling away over time. 

Commercial roof edge metal

Mechanically Fastened 2.6" Polyiso Insulation (R-15)

Prepping the roof for epdm rubber membrane

Scupper Install

We installed new custom fabricated scupper boxes from 24 gauge EPDM coated metal. We welded the membrane to the scupper boxes, flashed and sealed.

Cut hole for a new scupper box
Metal scupper box installation
Scupper box fully installed

Video of Completed Project